Sunday, March 28, 2010

Irregular Periods During Perimenopause

One of the first symptoms you may notice during perimenopause is irregular periods.
I was on birth control pills so I did not experience irregular periods. But for those of you not on birth control pills, noticing a change in your period may be an indication you are perimenopausal.

Interview with Dr. Wendy Klein, leading menopause expert and co-author of The Menopause Makeover
Staness: What is one of the first symptoms of perimenopause?
Dr. Klein: The hallmark of perimenopause, which is the phase prior to menopause, is irregularity. We all grow up thinking that when you enter the change of life and become menopausal, your periods just stop. That is not the case.
What happens is your periods start to become irregular. You can have too many periods, you can have too few, you may skip a period and then get regular again, and you may skip a few periods. You may think, “oh my, I am in menopause,” and suddenly your period comes back again.
Staness: Why does this happen?
Dr. Klein: Prior to menopause your periods are usually very regular. The amount of hormone that you are producing is very regular and predictable. However, as you approach menopause, entering the perimenopausal phase, the ovaries are unpredictable. You will have months when you don’t ovulate, and that causes irregular bleeding.
Staness: How long does period irregularity last?
Dr. Klein: How long that lasts is highly individual. Could be a year, could be two years, could be three years and that is all normal variation. I like to say that the ovaries are stuttering. You don’t always ovulate and your previous hormonal milieu begins to change.
Eventually you will experience fewer periods and finally your periods will stop. You are not officially in menopause until you have skipped 12 consecutive periods.
Staness: How does a woman know her periods are irregular?
Dr. Klein: You may get too many periods. You may get too few. You may skip them. The bleeding may become heavier, or it can become lighter.
Staness: What should a perimenopausal woman with irregular periods do?
Dr. Klein: Well the easiest thing to do is keep track of your periods. Write them down in the your calendar and track them. Keep a record of when you are having your periods and what your symptoms are, so when you visit your clinician you can discuss the changes using actual dates.
If you are troubled by irregular periods, you can discuss the option of low dose birth control pills. This can help with regulation, with excessive flow, and also with contraception.
One of the issues of which you should be aware is that even in perimenopause you can still become pregnant and since your periods are not regular you have an increased risk of unintended pregnancy. Birth control is still necessary as long as you continue to ovulate, even if you are irregular.
Menopause is a normal and natural part of a woman’s life. Arm yourself with knowledge, build a strong relationship with your clinician and manage your menopause empowered.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Happiness Exercise

Happiness and exercise may seem like an odd combination of words. Shouldn’t we just be happy or not be happy?
During menopause I discovered happiness was going to be an exercise. I had to practice being happy. Being consumed by hourly hot flashes, cranky moods, itchy skin and sleepless from night sweats, being happy was not on my to-do list. It was a full time job just managing these menopause symptoms. Additionally, I had to learn how to eat and exercise differently, and adjust my skin care regime. I was definitely NOT happy about these changes. As I developed the Menopause Makeover 8-step, 12-week plan I had to add “happiness” to the menopause checklist.
According to, Americans ranked number 13 on the national scale of happiness, and Canada ranked number 17. Iceland, Sweden and Denmark ranked the top three happiest nations. Hmm, what does that say about women in the United States and Canada? Perhaps, we are too busy taking care of our home, family, finances and career. Maybe the new world of instant communication moves too fast? With emails, the inter-net, and cell phones is there any down time?
For the many, happiness is the ultimate goal.
How do you find happiness?
1. Slow down and think about it!
2. Ask yourself what makes me happy, and make a list.
3. Look at your list and ask yourself why are these things missing from my life?
4. Make a commitment to work on the things you can change that have blocked your happiness.
5. Every week take one “happiness item” from your list and set a goal to make it happen.
Before you know it, you the things that make you happy will be happening!
Enjoying the sunJust like exercise, you must incorporate it into your life daily! You must exercise your happiness muscle!
Finding happiness requires a commitment to change. It isn’t always easy incorporating change into your life, but with practice it will get easier – just like exercise.
Exercise happiness daily!